Precautionary Measures

Resolution No. 31/24
PM 288-24 - Joel Antonio García Hernández, Venezuela

On May 13, 2024, the IACHR granted precautionary measures in favor of Joel Antonio García Hernández, lawyer and human rights defender, who has been suffering threats and aggression related to his work in defense of people considered “political prisoners” in Venezuela. Despite having filed complaints and requests for protection to the internal authorities, no protection measures have been implemented by State bodies to prevent further attacks, and no progress has been made in the investigations. For its part, the State, although informed, has not submitted a response. The Commission, after evaluating the allegations, as well as the context of hostility in the country against legal defenders and the lack of response from the State, understands, prima facie, that the requirements of seriousness, urgency, and irreparable harm are present.

In accordance with Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure, the Commission requests that Venezuela:

  1. adopt the necessary measures to protect the rights to life and personal integrity of Joel Antonio García Hernández, in accordance with the applicable international standards and obligations, including acts of risk attributable to third parties;
  2. implement the necessary measures so that the beneficiary can carry out his work as a defense lawyer without being subjected to acts of intimidation, threats, or other acts of violence in the exercise thereof;
  3. consult and agree upon the measures to be adopted with the beneficiary and his representatives; and
  4. report on the actions taken to investigate the alleged facts that led to the adoption of this precautionary measure, so as to prevent them from reoccurring.

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Resolution No. 26/24( EXTENSION AND FOLLOW-UP )
PM 438-15 - Members of the Venezuelan Program of Education-Action on Human Rights (PROVEA) , Venezuela

On April 29, 2024, the IACHR decided to follow up and extend precautionary measures in favor of members of the Venezuelan Program of Education-Action on Human Rights in Venezuela. According to the request, the members of PROVEA are at risk in the context of their work as human rights defenders in the current situation of Venezuela, considering the visibility of the institution and its coordinators, the frequent stigmatizing remarks made by high-ranking State authorities in the media, and the surveillance and monitoring by State agents. Consequently, under the terms of Article 25 of its Rules of Procedure, the IACHR decided to require that Venezuela:

  1. adopt the necessary measures to guarantee the life and personal integrity of the persons identified as members of the PROVEA team;
  2. adopt the necessary measures so that the beneficiaries can carry out their activities as human rights defenders without being subjected to acts of violence, threats, and harassment;
  3. consult and agree upon the measures to be adopted with the beneficiaries and their representatives; and
  4. report on the actions taken to investigate the alleged facts that led to these precautionary measures, so as to prevent them from reoccurring.

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