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OAS Secretary General Meets with Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago

  April 4, 2011

OAS Secretary General Meets with Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago

The Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Insulza, met today with the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Kamla Persad-Bissessar, in his office in Washington, DC, following the head of state’s participation as keynote speaker in the Hemispheric Forum on “Women's Leadership for Citizens' Democracy.”

During the meeting, the two authorities talked about the support the OAS will provide in human and financial resources to the CARICOM Women Leaders Forum, to take place in Trinidad and Tobago in June of this year, and about the Colloquium of Women Leaders to be held during the United Nations General Assembly this September with the Caribbean country as sponsor. They also spoke about the support the hemispheric Organization will provide for the Caribbean Investment Forum, and the technical assistance the organization will offer towards reforming the country’s constitution.

Secretary General Insulza expressed his gratefulness to the Prime Minister for her participation in the Forum and his satisfaction with offering support to the initiatives undertaken by the Caribbean country. “We are all interested in these matters, which are truly relevant for the whole of the hemisphere, and it is notable that Trinidad and Tobago, as it has happened many times before, is taking a very decisive leadership role on these issues,” he said.

Prime Minister Persad-Bissessar, for her part, expressed satisfaction with the assistance the OAS will offer her country, which she said will “bring wider and deeper South – South linkages and in particular in this part of the hemisphere,” while highlighting that “the organization’s participation is very important to us in bringing the Latin American component into the Caribbean Investment Forum.”

Also present at the meeting were the OAS Assistant Secretary General, Albert R. Ramdin; the Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM), Carmen Moreno; and the Permanent Representative of Trinidad and Tobago to the OAS, Neil Parsan, among others.

Reference: FNE-5050