Derniers événements et cérémonies

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« mai 2003 »

Ceremony of delivery of donation of the OMA

Date: 22 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Marco Andre Lima
New Ambassador of Dominican Republic to the OAS, Sofía Leonor Sanchez Baret, speaks for the first time in the Permanent Council

Date: 21 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Press conference with the Ambassador of Chile before the O.A.S.

Date: 20 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Week of Paraguay

Date: 15 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Marco Andre Lima
New Ambassador of Dominican Republic before the O.A.S., Sofía Leonor Sanchez Baret, presented her credentials

Date: 14 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General solicitor of the Public Ministry of DF, Eduardo Sabo, speaks in the Conference on the Inter-American Convention against the Corruption

Date: 8 mai 2003
Lieu: Brasilia, Brazil
Photos: Gervásio Baptista / ABr - hor - 01
El Salvador deposits the Instrument of Ratification of the Inter-American Convention against the Terrorism

Date: 8 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Guatemala deposits the Instrument of Ratification of the Inter-American Convention on Mutual support in Penal Matter

Date: 6 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Marco Andre Lima
Nicaragua deposits the Instrument of Ratification of the Inter-American Convention on Transparency in the Acquisitions of Conventional Arms

Date: 6 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Marco Andre Lima
Donation from Nicaragua to the fund for the fight against the Corruption

Date: 1 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Permanent Council of the O.A.S. gives farewell to the Ambassador of Dominican Republic

Date: 1 mai 2003
Lieu: Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA