Derniers événements et cérémonies

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« juin 2004 »

Ambassador Margarita Escobar, Permanent Representative of El Salvador to the OAS, made her farewell remarks

Date: 30 juin 2004
Lieu: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Cultural Week of Haiti - Haitian Art Exhibit

Date: 28 juin 2004
Lieu: OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA

Date: 23 juin 2004
Lieu: Gustavo Guerrero Room - OAS headquarters - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Herrera
Communiqués de presse
Cooperation Agreement between the Ecuador and the general secretariat of the organization of american states to provide technical assistance.

Date: 22 juin 2004
Lieu: OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Special Meeting of the Permanent Council to receive Senator Richard G. Lugar, Chairman of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee

Date: 21 juin 2004
Lieu: Hall of the Americas, OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Cultural Week of Mexico - Exhibition by two Mexicans artists

Date: 18 juin 2004
Lieu: OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Juan Herrera

Date: 17 juin 2004
Lieu: Room Jose Guerrero Organization of American States OAS Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
Cooperation Agreement between the ministry of Justice and labor of the republic of paraguay and the general secretariat of the organization of american states to provide technical assistance in the modernization of the civil registry

Date: 16 juin 2004
Lieu: OAS Main Building - Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Press Conference

Date: 8 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Closing Session

Date: 8 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - New Permanent Representative of El Salvador to the OAS

Date: 8 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Trinidad and Tobago

Date: 8 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Press Conference of the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights

Date: 8 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Ecuadorian Post Office presents the "OAS XXXIV General Assembly" stamp

Date: 8 juin 2004
Lieu: Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Juan Manuel Herrera - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
OAS Secretary General receives the "Dr. Jose Joaquin de Olmedo” Merit Award from the National Congress of Ecuador

Date: 8 juin 2004
Lieu: National Congress - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Third Plenary Session

Date: 8 juin 2004
Lieu: Palacio Presidencial - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Breakfast offered by the OAS Secretary General to the Heads of Delegation of the Caribbean countries (CARICOM)

Date: 8 juin 2004
Lieu: Palacio Presidencial - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Reception offered by the OAS Secretary General

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Museo de la Ciudad - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Second Plenary Session

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Press Conference of the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG)

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Meeting of the Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG)

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Meeting of the General Committee

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Official Photo

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Palacio Presidencial - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Lunch offered by the President of Ecuador, Lucio Gutiérrez

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Palacio Presidencial - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Press Conference of the OAS Secretary elect, Miguel Angel Rodríguez

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - Election of the OAS Secretary General

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - First Plenary Session

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - First Plenary Session

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
XXXIV Regular Session of the OAS General Assembly - First Plenary Session

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, and Former President of Costa Rica, Miguel Angel Rodríguez

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
OAS Secretary General, Dr. Cesar Gaviria, and US Secretary of State, Colin Powell

Date: 7 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Inaugural Session

Date: 6 juin 2004
Lieu: National Theater of la Cultura - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Private dialogue of Heads of Delegation

Date: 6 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Argentina signs Inter-American Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters

Date: 6 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Dialogue of Heads of Delegation with representatives of civil society

Date: 6 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Dialogue of Heads of Delegation with Permanent Observers

Date: 6 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Arrival of the OAS Secretary General, Dr. César Gaviria

Date: 5 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Former Costa Rican President, Miguel Angel Rodríguez, holds informal meetings with the press

Date: 5 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Press Conference - OAS Assistant Secretary General, Ambassador Luigi Einaudi

Date: 5 juin 2004
Lieu: Swissôtel - Quito, Ecuador
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA
General Assembly - Quito 2004
Donation from the Serbia and Montenegro government to the OAS

Date: 2 juin 2004
Lieu: Organization of American States OAS Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeiro - OEA

Date: 1 juin 2004
Lieu: Organization of American States OAS Washington, DC
Photos: Roberto Ribeir